What can I do when my campaign ends?

If your campaign had an ending date set, it will stop at this defined date. The campaign will still be visible on the website but you won’t be able to receive donations and monthly donations (if active) will be stopped.

Different options can be considered based on the result of your campaign:

You received enough funds
If you haven’t done it yet, fill in your banking details (see Providing your banking information) and one they have been validated, you can proceed with a fund transfer request (see Ask to retrieve the collected funds)

You haven’t received as many donations as you wished
You can still start by making a fund transfer request (see above) and reactive your campaign. In order to do so, go to your campaign settings and change the ending date to a further one. Once you have done so, you will also be able to edit the settings set no ending date.

Think about the elements you missed to reach your target, who were the people you didn’t mobilize and how can you encourage them to contribute.

Please note that if you had monthly donations, these have been stopped, you will need to contact the donors to ask them if they want to contribute again.

You have received little or no funds

Start by analyzing your campaign. Were there details missing on your page? Was your description detailing what were the funds for and how you would use them? Did you correct all eventual spelling mistakes? Did you insert an appeal picture?

Think also on how you shared your campaign. Did you follow our advices to get your first donors? (see Get your first 10 donations)

You can decide to create a new campaign to start on new bases or decide to reactivate and edit your campaign to improve it.

Please note that in all cases you can delete your campaign as long as there are no funds left waiting to be transferred.

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